AmpliPrime® Plant

AmpliPrime® Plant reagent kit is intended for detecting DNA of corn (Zea mays), soya (Glycine max) and rape (Brassica napus) plant in raw materials of plant and animal origin, as well as in food products by real-time PCR (qPCR). Exogenous and endogenous internal control allows verifying the test procedure for each separate sample; Detection of several targets in one tube: multiplex format.

  • Specifications
Number of tests 96
Package contents PCR kit
Biological material
  • The raw material of plant origin (samples of seeds, grains, oilseed residues, texturates, plant samples collected from the environment, vegetative plant parts)
  • Food products containing components of plant origin (imitation of milk, crackers, porridge, cereals, etc.)
  • Food products, ready-to-cook products, raw material of animal origin
  • Feeds of animal origin (feed additives, feed concentrates, meat and bone meal, preserves)
  • Rotor-Gene Q (QIAGEN GmbH, Germany)
  • CFX96 (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., USA)
Ordering information
Catalogue number Form Comment
G2024-1Z PCR mixture in 1.5 ml test tubes This kit is incomplete without a nucleic acid extraction kit that needs to be purchased additionally